Does painting cabinets devalue home?

How to Increase Home Value by Painting Cabinets
Do you intend to sell your home in the coming years? If so, painting your cabinets is one of the best ways to increase their value. Painting your cabinets will make your kitchen look newer, cleaner, and more modern, making it easier for potential buyers to picture themselves living in your home. Not only that but painting your cabinets can increase the overall value of your home by $1,547 on average. So, if you’re planning to sell your home soon or simply want to give your kitchen a facelift, painting your cabinets is a great way to go!
Choosing the Best Cabinet Paint Colors
When it comes to updating your kitchen cabinets, there are numerous options and colors to consider. Following these tips can help you choose the right paint colors for your cabinets, whether you want a new look or just want to clean up the old ones.
First and foremost, consider the color of the room’s walls. If they are a light color, choose a light paint color for the cabinets. If the walls are a dark color, a darker paint color is recommended.
Next, consider how you intend to use your cabinets. Are they meant to be used for storage or are they meant to be more decorative? Storage areas typically require less vibrant colors, whereas decorative areas may require brighter colors.
Finally, consider the material used to construct your cabinet. Wood cabinets, as opposed to plastic or metal cabinets, usually require a darker color.
The Impact of Cabinet Painting on Home Value
Painting your cabinets will immediately increase the value of your home. According to a National Association of Home Builders study, painting all interior cabinetry increased the value of a home by $2,000 on average. You will not only improve the look and feel of your home, but you will also increase its marketability. In fact, 95% of buyers say they are more likely to sell a home that has been professionally decorated. So don’t put it off any longer; start painting your cabinets today!